Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ceiling mosaics, the Baptistry of San Giovanni.

It is virtually impossible to enter the Florence Baptistery and not look up. The eight-part vault is coated with glimmering golden mosaics depicting biblical scenes in exquisite detail, dating from the 13th century. The mosaics are divided into registers that follow the underlying architecture: five concentric rings and eight triangular sections.

The three triangular sections over the altar are occupied by a huge scene of Christ in Majesty and the Last Judgment. On the right, a hideous Devil with snakes emerging from his ears and backside gleefully gobbles up the damned. On the left and in the upper registers, the redeemed enjoy eternity with the saints.

The other themes occupy the concentric rings, stretching around the five remaining triangular sections. Moving outward from the lantern in the center, the rings depict: hierarchies of angels; stories from Genesis; stories of Joseph; stories of Mary and Christ; and stories of John the Baptist.

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